Our ability to keep finding a winning formula for clients was highlighted once again with two overall class wins at the prestigious Institute of Internal Communication (IoIC) awards 2017.
beetroot scooped the award in the Best New Publication category for Highway – a full service, monthly magazine for Highways England. We also took top honours in the photographic/graphic section for the stunning picture (see above) of Paralympian footballer David Porcher featured in Outside In, our multi award-winning magazine for RBS.
A relative newcomer to our portfolio, Pi – a quarterly 36-page magazine we design for insurance broker Howden – was shortlisted in two categories. With Highway nominated in two further sections and our two airport publications both shortlisted for the fifth year in a row, the awards illustrated beetroot’s enduring ability to stay ahead of the field in an ever-more competitive market.
This year’s double brings beetroot’s total of class wins to 20 over the last five years. What a score!
As well as winning the two classes, beetroot won an impressive twelve Awards of Excellence in the following categories:
Feature-led magazine more than four issues a year
Highway for Highways England
Your Magazine for Gatwick Airport
Publication for members
Pi for Howden
New publication
Highway for Highways England
Design (magazine)
Pi for Howden
Design (newspaper)
Heathrow Life for Heathrow Airport
Outside In – My Paralympic journey for RBS
News/BAU writing
We create great content for beetroot
Best feature writing
“Being me…” – Wendy’s story of coming out as transgender for Network Rail’s Network by Network Rail
“Running helps me forget I have a terminal illness” for RBS Outside In
“An important part of who I am” – Martin’s story for Highways England Highway by Martin Sherlock
Best writing to support change
A vision for the future and change, done differently for RBS Outside In