Night Tube
The New York Times’ Snow Fall was heralded as the future for digital storytelling. Inspired by this example, these lovely pieces for London Underground are doing the same thing for staff engagement over here, blending media to breathe new life into long-form journalism.
Text, images, archive video footage and interactive graphics blend seamlessly and come alive on the page, to tee-up the launch of Night Tube, London’s first round-the-clock service. Enjoy!
Storytelling – Free the night
The Night Tube will open up night-time London to a plethora of new and exciting opportunities. Passengers will no longer be constrained by first and last Tubes at the weekend but free to take advantage of all the possibilities our great city offers throughout the night.
To help build awareness and excitement for the launch of the Night Tube our marketing team have created an innovative advertising campaign. The campaign asks London to “Free the Night” and showcases a figure who personifies the night itself.
Storytelling – Invoking the spirit of Metroland
Before the end of the First World War the English poet and dramatist, George Robert Sims, wrote: “I know a land where the wild flowers grow/Near, near at hand if by train you go/Metroland, Metroland.”
What Sims was invoking was the railway as an enabler, promising possibilities beyond the everyday.
This surely chimes with the spirit of the Night Tube. The advertising campaign, Free the Night, launched in June, shows how the new service will open up a world of new opportunities, just as Metroland did 100 years ago.
Both services, though a century apart, are liberators, freeing people from the constraints of the past.